Turning up the Speed for Even Faster Internet

Message from Tony Speller, Senior Vice President of Technical Operations and Engineering for Comcast’s Central Division
I recently heard a colleague recap an interaction he had with Terry Reese, one of our talented Comcast Business technicians in Atlanta, about competitors going after our customers.

The Navy veteran, husband, and father of four shook his head in disappointment, and said, “They’re going to be back – 100%. Nobody can do what we do.”
I love this! In one short sentence, Terry effectively captured the energy, drive, and attitude we all share here at Comcast.
Nobody can do what we do.
Well, what exactly are the 17,000 men and women in Comcast’s Central Division doing to meet and exceed our customer needs? We are:
- Turning up speeds for more than 12 million of our U.S.-based customers at no additional cost. Even faster internet is here!
- Working on even better reliability, which today is greater than 99%. We are relentless when it comes to reliability because fast, reliable internet isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity.
- Harnessing new technology, such as AI, to pinpoint issues in our network, helping teammates like Terry instantly find the problem and fix it. Because when issues arise – and of course they will – it’s how we respond.
Our work is exciting and part of a multi-million-dollar investment. Our teams are upgrading equipment and bringing our services to more neighborhoods and businesses throughout the South.
The future of the internet is now, and that includes our state-of-the-art FDX speed tier, which offers customers equal download and upload speeds. We initially rolled out in Atlanta late last year, but we aren’t stopping there, with plans to expand to new markets within this year and beyond in the Central Division alone. The speeds are almost unimaginable.

We’re futureproofing our business all while leading the industry and striving to meet our customers’ ever-rising expectations. Consider this: The average Xfinity WiFi-powered home has more than 30 devices connected to the internet, a 37% increase from 2021, with more growth coming.
We’re ready to meet your needs now and in the future.
Terry is right – nobody can do what we do.