Celebrating Women’s History Month in the South at Comcast

Women's History Month, how to celebrate women's history month

Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate the remarkable achievements and contributions of women throughout history. At Comcast, we acknowledge the vital role women have played in shaping our society and the telecommunications industry. From Ada Lovelace, celebrated as the first computer programmer to Radia Perlman, whose invention helped stabilized information traffic on the Internet, we celebrate trailblazers who have paved the way for future generations. Join us as we highlight the stories of inspiring women and their impact on our company and the world.

Comcast is home to many Employee Resource Groups (ERG), including the Women’s Network (WoNet), which are employee-led groups that bring colleagues together to host networking events, community service activities and educational offerings across our footprint.

To celebrate Women’s History Month, Women’s Network members share more about the organization and their careers. Lakisha Love is a finance and accounting manager and has been with Comcast since 2005. Lindsey Pham is an engineering manager and has been with Comcast for three and a half years. Both Lakisha and Lindsey are in Atlanta and are co-leads of the Women’s Network ERG for Comcast’s Big South region. We sat down with Lakisha and Lindsey to talk about their careers and the Women’s Network.

Lakisha Love and  Lindsey Pham, Women's History Month, how to celebrate women's history month
Lakisha Love and Lindsey Pham

Tell us a little about yourself

Lakisha: I am a wife to an awesome guy, going on 15 years. We are a blended family of four beautiful girls and a year-old cane corso. We love traveling to Vegas and Jamaica.  I began my Comcast career Valentine’s Day of 2005 in Huntsville, AL with most of my career journey being in leadership, finance/revenue assurance.

Lindsey: I am a proud boomerang employee, having worked here from 2017 to 2019 before rejoining the team in 2023. I am currently part of the engineering department and actively involved in initiatives such as the Wellbeing Champion and Women’s Network. While most of my family resides in Mississippi, I live here with my four-year-old pup, Archie.

Archie & Lindsey, Women's History Month, how to celebrate women's history month
Archie and Lindsey

When did you join the Women’s Network and what drew you to the organization?

Lakisha: I have been a member for over five years. I joined this ERG because it felt like home to me when I was a guest at some of their events and coffee chats. Since that time, it has proven to be just that. Being around women from all backgrounds, cultures and career journeys has been one of the most beneficial aspect for me. Being reminded of how we contribute, do extraordinary things, and help the community move forward has helped me make the decision to be intentional with my involvement.

Lindsey: I joined shortly after returning to Comcast in July 2023. I am a firm believer in supporting women’s personal and professional growth, and the Women’s Network exemplifies that mission. Through this network, I interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and continuously learn from them.

What is the best part about being part of the Women’s Network?

Lakisha: Having conversations about balancing all things life and career. Also, talking through similar tests and feeling excitement and encouragement for their triumphal testimonies has truly been therapeutic for me. So much so that I am now a member of the leadership team. Also, it’s just cool to recognize phenomenal women in the workplace, no matter the role or title.

Lindsey: The relationships I have built through the Women’s Network have been the highlight of my experience. Whenever I need guidance, I can rely on the connections I made in WoNet for the best advice. Additionally, being part of WoNet has allowed me to develop leadership skills and gain exposure to some of the most influential individuals in the business.

 Can you tell us about a colleague who inspire you?

Lakisha: To be honest, it’s difficult to highlight only one. There have been several women throughout my years with Comcast that have inspired me, not only for their business acumen but also their eagerness to share, collaborate, mentor and cheer on successes. I believe what has made all of them so amazing to me is that they know who they are, they are intentional about their connections, and they set boundaries. I would like to highlight a few: Jane Kinyua, Jane Sturgeon, Katie Klein, Camethia Poole and Nakia Smith-Collier.

Lindsey: Throughout my journey at Comcast, I have been fortunate to interact with many colleagues who inspire me daily. Their passion, dedication, and willingness to support each other create an environment where everyone can thrive. Whether it’s through their innovative ideas, commitment to diversity and inclusion, or their mentorship, these individuals collectively contribute to a culture of excellence. I am continually inspired by their drive to make a positive impact, not only within our organization but also in the broader community.  I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the women leaders in the Central Division Engineering Senior Leadership team – Kianta Prince-Bryant and Leslie Buckley. Their leadership and mentorship inspire confidence and provide a clear path for others to follow, fostering a culture of empowerment and support within the organization.

Members packing boxes at a volunteer event, Women's History Month, how to celebrate women's history month
Women’s Network members packing boxes at a volunteer event

Tell us about an impactful event held by the Women’s Network

Lakisha: Working with the Center of Family Resources always brings a sense of hope and community for me.  So many families just need a WIN and it’s so heartbreaking that, for some, that win must be securing food for their families. So, donating my time, efforts and even funds to support those that are supporting the families in our community, is always something I want to be a part of. I’m glad that Women’s Network remains a constant advocate and volunteer for this organization.

Lindsey: There are numerous local organizations and events in the Big South Region that have significantly impacted me. The Center of Family Resources stands out in particular. WoNet has collaborated with them for the past two years during the holiday season to give back to the community. We have set up donation boxes and volunteered our time to assist them during the holidays. 

Team, Up members, Women's History Month, how to celebrate women's history month
Women’s Network members at a volunteer event

What advice to you have for women who are starting their careers?

Lakisha: My advice would be to ask questions, listen intently to learn, deliver on commitments, self-assess and network. Whether you are just starting on your journey or looking to change directions, the ultimate goal is to have cheerleaders in rooms that you are not in, to shout your name. These cheerleaders could be co-workers, teammates, leaders or even someone you bumped into at an ERG event. Show up as your best self, be engaged in the work and your connections and lastly: breathe.

Lindsey: Stay curious and keep learning. Comcast has many facets that keep everything running smoothly, and I discover something new with each new person I meet. Volunteer for tasks beyond your usual responsibilities—you never know what might capture your interest and potentially lead to a career change.

To engage with more amazing women in telecommunications in your community, please visit WICT.org (Women in Media, Entertainment and Technology) and find a chapter near you. Comcast is a proud sponsor of WICT.

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