Comcast Foundation to present $10,000 Grant to Jacksonville (Arkansas) Boys and Girls Club

WHAT: The Jacksonville Boys and Girls Club in Arkansas has been selected to receive a $10,000 MY.FUTURE grant from the Comcast Foundation. MY.FUTURE is a cutting-edge digital experience designed to teach digital literacy skills and introduce the endless possibilities that technology offers.
Comcast NBCUniversal is committed to bridging the digital divide with the MY.FUTURE technology initiative. With MY.FUTURE, Boys and Girls Club kids across the nation receive personalized, hands-on experiences; learn how to safely and productively engage online; and discover technology skills needed to navigate today’s digital world.
On Tuesday, August 23, the Comcast Foundation will present a $10,000 grant to the Jacksonville Boys and Girls Club. Following a short program, the kids will receive a MY.FUTURE tutorial.
WHO: Laconda Watson, CEO Jacksonville Boys and Girls Club; The Honorable Gary Fletcher, Jacksonville Mayor, Comcast employees, community partners, BGC parents and kids
WHEN: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 / 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: 1 Boys Club Drive, Jacksonville, AR 72076, Jacksonville Boys and Girls Club Computer Lab
MEDIA CONTACTS: Alex Horwitz, VP of Public Relations, 770-559-2803 or Evangeline Parker-Guest, Manager of External Affairs, Comcast Big South Region (501) 779-6654
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