Comcast, Salvation Army Announce Initiatives to Bridge the Digital Divide in Jackson, Miss.

Comcast expands Internet Essentials to nearly 9,000 households in the Jackson Metro Area and partners with the Salvation Army to provide free digital literacy training to the public
JACKSON, Miss. August 4, 2016 – Comcast and The Salvation Army of Jackson have announced initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide. Comcast’s low-cost internet program, Internet Essentials, is being expanded to nearly 9,000 households receiving HUD-assisted housing. In addition, Comcast and The Salvation Army will partner to provide free digital literacy training to the public.
The new Internet Essentials expansion is part of a collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) ConnectHome initiative. Now, public housing and HUD-assisted residents living in Comcast’s service area, are eligible to apply for Internet Essentials. Nearly 9,000 HUD-assisted homes in the Jackson Metro area, including Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and Multifamily programs, will now have access to high-speed internet for $9.95 + tax a month, a discounted computer for less than $150, and free digital literacy classes.
Robin Miller, a local Jackson area resident and Internet Essentials subscriber is thankful for the availability of affordable internet service. “I’ve had Internet Essentials service for four years and it has been a blessing,” said Miller. “My children can complete school assignments without rushing to the library, and we can watch fun movies to enhance our family bonding time.”.”
Comcast, joined by Salvation Army Regional Commander, Lieutenant Matt Hedgren, also announced a new partnership to provide free digital literacy training classes, including basic computer and internet skills, internet safety and using online educational and employment resources. Classes will be open to the public and held at the Salvation Army’s Worship & Service Center on Beasley Road in Jackson.
“It is The Salvation Army’s goal to be a conduit of change in the community and connect community partners with those who need services and assistance,” said Lt. Hedgren. “We are proud to partner with Comcast to do this very thing by bridging the digital divide through their Internet Essentials program. Through the help of Comcast, people of this great community will be able to come to The Salvation Army to learn basic internet skills to be able to succeed in different areas of their life!”
“This announcement reaffirms Comcast’s ongoing commitment to closing the digital divide for low-income families,” said Ronnie Colvin, Senior Director of External Affairs at Comcast. “We’re thrilled to be working with great partners like The Salvation Army to help connect even more families, including seniors, veterans and adults without children, to the transformative power of having internet service at home.”
Internet Essentials from Comcast is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive high-speed internet adoption program. It provides low-cost high-speed internet service for $9.95 a month plus tax; the option to purchase an internet-ready computer for under $150; and multiple options to access free digital literacy training in print, online and in-person. For more information, or to apply for the program, visit or call 1-855-846-8376. Spanish speakers should call 1-855-765-6995.