Comcast Foundation To Make $10,000 Grant To Boys And Girls Club Of Central Arkansas

WHAT: Comcast announced today it will make a $10,000 grant to the Boys & Girls Club of Central Arkansas on Thursday, November 13. Dozens of attendees are expected, including executives from Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Comcast, elected officials and Club members. The grant is part of the launch of My.Future, a new technology initiative that will teach Club members about the digital world and ignite their passion for technology. Comcast NBCUniversal is the Presenting Sponsor of My.Future.
At the national level, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Comcast NBCUniversal will also announce the details of a new five-year, multi-million dollar partnership.
WHEN: November 13 at 4 PM CST
WHERE: BGC of Central Arkansas: Billy Mitchell Boys and Girls Club, 3107 W. Capitol Ave, Little Rock, AR 72205
WHO: Comcast’s Mike Wilson; Cindy Doramus, Executive Director, Central Arkansas Boys & Girls Clubs; and
Steven Riffle, Director, Billy Mitchell Boys & Girls Club
WHY: Through this partnership, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Comcast NBCUniversal are harnessing the
power of technology and the Internet to expand digital literacy and help conquer the digital divide. By
exposing youth to new technology skills, they will be more likely to pursue a career in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) field – a field that is expected to grow nearly twice as fast as other fields in the United States by 2018.